The 21st International EYI Symposium, hosted on the EYI Congress website, is a renowned event that brings together academics, researchers, and professionals from around the world. The symposium is dedicated to discussing the latest research findings in econometrics, operations research, and statistics, offering a unique opportunity for intellectual exchange and collaboration. This blog article explores the importance of the EYI … Read more
Meningkatkan Kekayaan 10% dalam Setahun, Memang Bisa?
Pada dasarnya, setiap kehidupan seseorang pasti membutuhkan perencanaan keuangan yang tepat untuk mencapai tujuan bebas finansial. Dengan mencapai tujuan tersebut, kamu bisa meraih kemerdekaan finansial, sejahtera, dan hidup lebih bahagia.
Secara umum, perencanaan keuangan dibagi menjadi enam aspek, yakni arus kas, asuransi, investasi, pensiun, warisan, dan pajak. Artinya, agar keuangan kamu tertata rapi dan dapat mencapai tujuan yang telah kamu … Read more
Unlocking Success with Digital Marketing and Google Ads Optimization
Boost Your E-Commerce Success with Arbi Click’s Digital Marketing and Google Ads Optimization Services
In the competitive world of e-commerce, having a robust digital marketing strategy is crucial for businesses looking to increase their visibility, drive traffic, and maximize return on investment (ROI). Arbi Click, a leading e-commerce digital marketing agency, specializes in SEO optimization services, Google Ads, and Meta Ads to help small and start-up businesses achieve their marketing goals. With a … Read more
The Role and Impact of PAFI Nias Selatan: Elevating Pharmacy Practice in South Nias
The Association of Pharmacists in South Nias (PAFI Nias Selatan) plays a crucial role in the healthcare system of South Nias, Indonesia. This organization, accessible via, is dedicated to enhancing the pharmacy profession, improving community health, and supporting pharmacists through various initiatives. This article explores the multifaceted contributions of PAFI Nias Selatan, its initiatives, and its impact on … Read more